เนื้อเพลง คอร์ดเพลง Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White

เนื้อเพลง คอร์ดเพลง Louigy

เพลงใหม่ เพลงฮิต เพลงทั้งหมด ศิลปินทั้งหมด

Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White - Louigy

.. It's cher-ry pink..
and ap-ple blos-som white,
When your true lov-er
comes your way.
It's cher-ry pink
and ap-ple blos-som white,
The po-ets say.
.The sto-ry goes..
that once a cher-ry tree
Be-side an ap-ple tree did grow.
And there a boy
once met his bride to be
long long a-go
.The boy looked in-to her eyes,
It was a sight to en-thrall,
The breez-es joined in their sigh,
The blos-soms start-ed to fall.
And as they gent-ly ca-ressed,
The lov-ers look up to find,
The branch-es of the two trees
were in-ter-twined,
.And that is why..
the po-ets al-ways write,
If there's a new
moon bright a-bove,
It's cher-ry pink
and ap-ple blos-som white,
When you're in love.
And that is why..
the po-ets al-ways write,
If there's a new
moon bright a-bove,
It's cher-ry pink
and ap-ple blos-som white,
When When You're in love.

เพลงอื่นๆของ Louigy

ชื่อเพลง ศิลปิน
Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White Louigy
ดูเนื้อเพลงทั้งหมดของ Louigy